Company Profile
We are a small, service minded, goal focused, innovative company
Providing consultation, training, supervision, developmental support, process assessments and research evaluations to managers, individuals or teams of professionals primarily within…
- child and family services
- social services
- special treatment homes and institutions
- services for socially and culturally marginalised groups of people
- mental health services
- health services
- schools and
- education services

We have been in business since 1992 and accept referrals from services all over Europe. We adapt all our services and our approaches to meet the specific needs and wishes of our clients and customers. We always endeavor to design our work with our clients and customers in order to fit with their individual approaches, time, goals and venues.
We offer our services…
- to managers and decision-makers of professional teams and services
- to teams of professionals
- to individual professional practitioners
from all cultural and social domains.
We support professionals in establishing more efficient, resourceful, focused, respectful, reflexive, creative, co-operative and coherent ways to go on with their work with new energy, focus, hope and visions.
We offer services which aim to support people’s competences and empower them to get on with the different challenges and developments they face in life and work. We work to find ways of encouraging professionals to manage complexity, patterns of actions and beliefs within the systems and situations they work in.
We value the existing resources that people have, coherence, the importance of context, communication and patterns. We make sure to involve the referral system and learn about all other professionals involved around any defined client. We work from a neutral position whilst understanding that we become part of a larger, coherent system.
Anyone wishing to use our services is welcome to contact us directly. Contact via our mail system: