Services » Therapy
We offer therapy and counselling for
- adults
- children
- teenagers
- and families
of all cultural and social orientation
- We also offer clinical, social and neuropsychological assessments and produce extended action plans
Sometimes we as people, parents, children or professionals get stuck and lose track. We need someone to assist us in sense-making of our choice of thoughts, beliefs and actions.
We need someone to engage and creatively surprise and perturb us in generating new interest and enthusiasm in our lives and/or work.
We need someone to offer inspiration, new positions and new ideas. We need someone to offer an extended case management and action plan support.
We believe that symptoms exist as a resource and message to us about something important in our lives that we need attending to and maybe change.
We believe that people live in and are co-creating relationships in complex human, cultural and biological systems of meaning, actions, emotions and deeds.
It is our belief that people function best in environments where they can establish efficient, resourceful, focused, respectful, reflexive, creative, co-operative and coherent ways to go on with their life and their work with energy, focus, hope and visions.
We offer services which aim to support peoples competences and empower them to get on with the different challenges and developments they face in life and in work. We work to find ways of encouraging people to manage complexity, patterns of actions and beliefs within the systems and situations they live in.
We make sure to involve the referral system and learn about all other professionals involved around any defined client to ensure that everybody understands our position as professionals working within and with the system.
Your symptoms
We can offer help with any social, emotional, psychological or psychiatric problem, and difficulties managing any of the following etc:
- Mental health and social symptoms of all kinds
- Problems of social marginalisation
- Social withdrawal and making and problems of sustaining friendships
- Violence and abuse
- Self esteem issues
- Eating and appearance disorders
- Depression and suicide thoughts
- Self harm
- Stress and managing change in life
- Drug and alcohol misuse
- Traumas, bereavement and PST
- Challenges as a family: Having children, family adjustments and adoption issues. Foster family and foster parenting
- Family breakdown and challenges
- Couple relationships difficulties
- School problems: Fitting in, bullying and refusal
- Employment issues: Stress, harassment, competence and co-working with others
and many more dilemmas in relationship to self, others and the culture we live in
We also offer psychological and neuropsychological investigations, testing, assessments and evaluations and produce extended action plans within a systemic framework for our clients.